Think about a situation you are in right now where you’re having a hard time trusting God with. We sounded like a broken record. We said this so many times when our boys were young. Obey now. Understand later. We tried to teach them that there would be occasions when we may not have time […]
Ever tried to accomplish something you know you’re good at for a long time and it still isn’t working? Ever wondered why something you know oughta be working isn’t? Ever tried to stop doing something you want to stop doing but can’t seem to? Paul said in scripture the thing I do I don’t want […]
When I think of the happiest people I know, I think of people who see God, His ways, and His will as their main dish and not a side dish in life. What about you? I’ve noticed that many times people want to live however they wanta live, talk the way they wanta talk, and […]
“Stick and stay. It’s bound to pay.” said a pastor we served under years ago. That phrase has come in handy so many times in our lives. We raised our boys saying it this way, “Cooleys don’t quit.” And I get it. I can already hear some of you thinking of the books, social media […]
The hardest part is deciding. the next hardest part is having the courage to go get it. Getting what we want out of life is the easy part. It’s just getting past those first two steps that can take, well, decades for many of us. To a large degree, I’ve known what I wanted out […]
God has put on our hearts that this year is The Year of the Open Door. When we think of this, there are so many things it makes you think of… You may think of a new opportunity or walking through the open door of new home. Perhaps what comes to mind for you is […]
Listen and learn&live a life that works or Disregard godly wisdom&take the long, bumpy road. Humility lifts you up. It’s a paradox. People are so afraid these days of being controlled and have hyper boundaries, are filled with anxiety and distrust so much that it’s blocking them from the very answers they long for. Position […]
2024, here we come, ready or not… Do you feel ready? Do you feel energized or beat to a pulp? Do you feel grateful or grouchy? Here’s the good news! We can start over on other days, too. Not just on January 1st. So if you’re not feelin it, and if you are holding on […]
or safe or fill in the blank …..and it’s perfectly ok! What?! Did you read that right? Yes, you did! It’s true! This is why we need a Saviour who is! And when we feel not enough, unsafe, or like life just isnt’ quite what we had imagined, if we turn to The Word like […]
Are you curious, 10 minutes of what? Which 10 minutes? Is this a “too good to be true” scam?Seriously! It’s straight FACTS !!!!I know because I did it.You know how Drs and fitness experts will tell you 20 minutes a day of exercise could change you from unfit to fit. Now, true, there are levels […]