Hey There! Today is the first day of March and I can’t believe that we are already three months into 2021! Time is absolutely flying for me, but this may not be the case for some of you. I wanted to take the time to talk about one of the most important Happy Habits from […]
March 1, 2021
Joy to the world, the Lord has come! That phrase is one we may say or hear and not think much of during this season. But as I thought about it, I realized that phrase is so powerful, especially if you are walking through really tough stuff in this season. There will never be true […]
December 14, 2020
Hey! Hey! Hey! How does that sound? 👆👆👆 Guess what! You will have a whole lot better chance of owning your tomorrow if you will choose to enjoy your today! Can I get an Amen from the Hallelujah lady?! 🙌 You really can choose to enjoy today ANYWAY. Even if……?! Yes! Even if…..!!! Does that […]
February 23, 2020
First Love Yourself Obviously, FIRST FIRST love The Lord your God with ALL your heart strength mind body soul life resources…all of you! Then after you’ve done that, love your neighbor AS YOU LOVE YOURSELF. In other words, you will only be able to love others to the degree that you love yourself […]
January 13, 2020
Every good mother loves nothing more than to see a smile on their kids’ faces. A fond memory I have of my youngest was face-timing with my then 14 year old who was with his Dad in India teaching in the school and at the conference. I could feel the warmth of his smile as […]
November 18, 2019
Are you afraid of what all is going on in our world these days? Are you shaken up by it all? Does it seem uncertain to take the next step? Honestly, it’s hard for a lot of us to even think about it. Some go to their war room and pray. I’m sure you have […]
November 11, 2019
I remember it like it was yesterday, though it’s been a few years now—the day I sent my eldest son on his way to begin his senior year. Having coffee in my favorite chair in the kitchen after doing what I had long anticipated, wondering how it would feel. It was all so surreal. I […]
November 4, 2019
So how do you get THAT happy? Furthermore, how can you LIVE that happy? Admit, this phrase makes us laugh because we all long to be happier than a bird with a French fry, don’t we? I am living proof that it is possible. I’ve had a few sad moments when the struggle got […]
October 28, 2019
” …speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord; ” (Ephesians 5:19 NASB) This is so funny and sort of unbelievable. As a child, my favorite songs were called “It’s a Happy Day” and “Happy In The Lord”. Still to this day, […]
October 21, 2019