Hey there, Beautiful Soul! 🌟 Let’s chat about a topic that’s close to my heart: finding balance and happiness by nurturing all parts of who we are, our spirit, soul, and body. For starters, the Lord showed me a long time ago that he is so extremely in every area and that what makes him […]
Ingredients of Grace: GratitudeUnderstandingAttitude of HumilityCommitment to forgivenessExcessive amounts of Love Here’s what I keep finding over and over when talking with people, working with people, and living with people: Grace, Grace, and more GRACE is needed for them as they deal with me and for me as I deal with them. If I don’t […]
Moses and the Israelites wondered through the desert unnecessarily for way too many years. Do you deal with regret and feel like you are doing the same thing? What if I told you that one simple habit could have kept them from missing out on God’s promises for years and it’s the same simple habit […]
A 21 Day Love Dare Find a friend or grab your spouse or boyfriend or girlfriend and take the 21 Day Love Dare! 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 NASB 4 Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, 5 does not act unbe-comingly; it does not seek […]
God has put on our hearts that this year is The Year of the Open Door. When we think of this, there are so many things it makes you think of… You may think of a new opportunity or walking through the open door of new home. Perhaps what comes to mind for you is […]
We’ve all said it, “I just couldn’t help myself!” Come on now, yea, we both could’ve, ummmmm, but we didn’t because of one lame excuse or the other. Am I right or am I right? It’s easier to blame or ignore or slough it off as not a big deal or bottom line: simply not […]
Ever been there? One minute you feel on top of the world and the next as if you’re buried under…you’re not sure what? That’s when verses from the Bible come to mind like “Don’t grow weary in well doing” and “His burden is light and His yoke is easy” and “As a man thinks in […]
What if you focused on these boundaries? Oh how life would change for the better! Imagine with me a healthy, fit body, enough money to pay bills and extra for fun and to invest into the gospel as God leads you as much as you actually desire. A godly marriage, wonderful friends, happy children smack-dab […]
“Don’t be ‘angy’, Papa! I just a widdle boy.” Garrison Cooley (age 3) Those words ring in my head when we as Christians, friends, family, church family, work buddies get angry or irritated with each other and choose not to work things out between each other. Those words were spoken by Garrison when he didn’t […]
You want to be unapologetically you, be understood with total confidence about who you really are? Good. Bad. And ugly. How? Please tell me how? This was my question several years ago when I was trying to be ok in my own skin…..my own skin that was and still is wrapped around way too much […]