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Stress & ANXIETY

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Faith & Hope, Happiness, Stress/Anxiety

May 2, 2023

Everything’s temporary!

Life can throw us for a loop! Can I get an, “Amen to the men” ?

I asked my husband once, “If you could only say a few sentences to someone who has lost all hope, what would you say?” 


I should have known that is exactly what he would say. He says that to me all the time, wether I am struggling with a major loss or just in a frenzy over small losses or day-to-day challenges. Interestingly, it’s sort of like swimming. Whether you are swimming in deep water or shallow water, it’s the same. You’re swimming.

Something I try to do is practice navigating the day-to-day things by confronting them with grace and faith, believing ANYWAY, no matter how things look. That’s like swimming in shallow water, but it’s still true. If we live a life of believing ANYWAY in facing the small things, when massive storms hit, we will walk on water and keep our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, because we have gotten into the habit of trusting Him in the small things.

I have noticed that friends who weather major storms the best are the ones whose faith is strongly grounded in The Word and habitually not letting the little things phase them. It’s not that they are encountering no pain. They survive great pain successfully, while others flounder for years in despair and calamity. They understand that everything is temporary and just as fast as this storm came up, it will eventually go away.

The trials of life come to us all, but He is our strong tower and the righteous run into it and are safe scripture promises us. If you feel like life is beating you to smithereens, then …

“RUN Forrest RUN” into His strong tower!

You are safe there. Storms don’t last forever. Everything is temporary and when it passes, you’ll be even stronger to go out and weather the elements. 

Go into His Presence, get real with God. He can handle it. You’ll come out tasting and seeing that the Lord is good, filled with HOPE for a bright future!

There is hope. It is never really lost…maybe misplaced momentarily. Find your hope in Him today and don’t let the devil steal your tomorrow just because he stole your yesterday. Stop dwelling on the past. There is no future in it. Even if you already know all of this, isn’t it just a great reminder?! It is for me.

Find a scripture to stand on concerning your future.

 This is a great one:

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11 NKJV.

Bottom line to take with you through this week is this: Everything is temporary. This too shall pass and if you cling to His Word, RUN toward God and His people and not away from them, YOU. WILL. OVERCOME.

Happy Monday!



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