“I got you!” When a friend says that to me, it gives me this feeling of security. I feel loved, safe, and a contentment washes over me with the thought that someone is there for me. Guess what, that is not just a feeling but actually a for real fact that we can take to […]
December 16, 2019
I could hardly wait to share this with you! It’s the final book cover for Love ANYWAY! Check it out on my social media today 💕📖🙌 @addiecooley & @happy_anyway if you missed the last email we sent you with it! Shout out to Harrison House & everyone who collaborated on the cover!!! All my friends […]
November 25, 2019
It’s Happy Girl 19 week!!! What will your Happy Girl Story be? This year, I am so honored to be able to have Lisa Young as the guest speaker, because she’s an integral part of my #HGStory. I went on a mission trip to Haiti with an organization called C3 Global that Lisa & her […]
September 16, 2019
~Happy Talk~ Are you a happy talker? Check out these verses to sort of check up from the neck up. Jot down or copy and paste the ones you might need to focus on. What if these verses described the way we talk day in and day out? How much happier would we be? How […]
September 9, 2019
…..happy? Or maybe… horrific/”whatever!”/thrilling/special/reflective describes the day more accurately from your seat. For some, yesterday was a day of deep gratitude as we thought of how blessed our children (and/or we) are to have the World’s Greatest Dad! Others cried because they have lost their dad, with every “Happy Father’s Day” packing a punch.. […]
June 17, 2019
“Hoppy Easter!” my silly husband keeps saying. I’d say that describes Easter quite well. Jesus hopped right up out of that grave and defeated hell, sickness and poverty! He hopped right over every obstacle we will ever face so that now by using His name we can overcome, no matter what we come up […]
April 15, 2019
Ahh, the great love chapter of the Bible, 1 Corinthians 13. If you picked this chapter apart, verse by verse, and replaced the word, “love,” with ____ (your name), would it still hold true? “Love endures with patience and serenity,” Love endures. Love doesn’t quit. Love has patience with others who are not having patience […]
February 11, 2019
In Happy ANYWAY, I break down a 75 year Harvard study that proved the key to happiness is love. After pondering that a while, I thought, oh so then ❤️=😊. Harvard tells us happiness (😊) is love (❤️). Scripture tells us God (✝️) is LOVE and that love never fails. Drawing from basic philosophy, if […]
February 4, 2019