Hey Y’all Happy Monday! Have you ever had days when you could have been the one who wrote, “my days are swifter than a weaver’s shuttle, and are spent without hope” (Job 7:6)? Job described more of my days than I would like to admit. Can you relate? You’re probably thinking, “I thought this was […]
This is a one minute blog today and so take just a minute for a quick virtual hug. Go ahead and love yourself and then get back to the hustle and bustle. This is going to be quick today because I am going from last week’s beautiful trip with dear friends to Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket, […]
Happy Monday !!! Fifty friends Fifty flowers Fifty dollars Fifty days Fifty YEARS ! Fifty dollars may not seem like a whole lot and fifty flowers would be a good many but I’ve even planted fifty flowers before in one day. Fifty friends at a party would be some work but we’ve had fifty friends […]
The pressure’s on to get to all 4 or 40 of your church’s Easter services. Gotta get the right outfit, decorate the door, prep for the big Easter meal for the whole family. So much excitement, work, and endless to do’s until BAM! It’s done. It’s over. It. Is. Finished. Now what?! Did I just […]
All God ever requires of us is simply who He made us to be. Stop thinking you have to be more this or less of that. If we wait to be exactly how we wish we were, we would join the masses in making no real difference in this world. Ask yourself these questions to […]
Hold on because this is about to get really real. You have been warned… This past week our family went snow skiing and took most of the week off. When I say off, I mean all the way off! I really don’t remember the last time we did that….probably last summer. The whole week ~ […]
Are you like me and always skipped straight to “the greatest of these is love” in 1 Corinthians 13:13? After being a Christian most of my life and graduating from 3 Bible Colleges, living in India for 5 years as a missionary and being a pastor’s wife for 18 years, I just saw something I’ve […]
Today, I celebrate you as a woman! Can I be super honest and transparent with you about all this women empowerment and women’s lib and all the hype in circles about the power of women? You know I will be honest LOL and so often maybe a lil tooooo honest. Ok here goes….confession time. I […]
Hey There! Today is the first day of March and I can’t believe that we are already three months into 2021! Time is absolutely flying for me, but this may not be the case for some of you. I wanted to take the time to talk about one of the most important Happy Habits from […]
“Those who are motivated by the flesh only pursue what benefits themselves. But those who live by the impulses of the Holy Spirit are motivated to pursue spiritual realities.” Romans 8:5 TPT Bam!! Didn’t see that coming did ya? Me either. When I read this in my Bible study time last night, it hit me […]