There are all kinds of -ologies. Psychology, biology, spiritology and then there’s geneology, methodology, immunology, pathology (what my mom did. Fun fact: She was so brilliant that she clept her way through college and ended up having the job of a Pathologist with a Phd without actually having those initials behind her name.) That all […]
March 18, 2024
“Stick and stay. It’s bound to pay.” said a pastor we served under years ago. That phrase has come in handy so many times in our lives. We raised our boys saying it this way, “Cooleys don’t quit.” And I get it. I can already hear some of you thinking of the books, social media […]
February 5, 2024
or safe or fill in the blank …..and it’s perfectly ok! What?! Did you read that right? Yes, you did! It’s true! This is why we need a Saviour who is! And when we feel not enough, unsafe, or like life just isnt’ quite what we had imagined, if we turn to The Word like […]
December 21, 2023
First of all this morning, I think of all who are reading this before going to work today on this holiday while so many are with family and friends resting. My mind then goes to what this holiday actually is about and my heart goes to families who understand the meaning of today on a […]
May 29, 2023
Please rejoice with me! I feel like how an addict must feel when they look back over the last several months and realize after so many years of using, they’ve been clean now for a while! My drug of choice has been church / ministry / work – call it what you want…. honestly, I’ve […]
May 22, 2023
I’ll never forget being a Freshman in High School taking Geometry in a class with mostly all seniors from Mr. Stiff. I had so many questions and just wasn’t understanding whatever concept he was teaching us. Second row from the windows and about 3 seats back from the front. It was 1986. I kept raising […]
May 8, 2023
Wanta know something I just learned this weekend? It’s too good to not share… So what if I told you I could write you a prescription for a wonder drug that has the potential of changing your life? And it won’t even cost you a dime. Not a doctor’s visit or even a telemedicine call. Just […]
March 7, 2023
Reality is, most of us work full time or if we don’t, we find ourselves busy with God only knows what for the majority of our time! Can I get a hardy Amen?! Where does this leave our relationships? Often, it means the ones we love the most get our left overs. But why? ~ […]
February 26, 2023
The day was Voila! voi· là vwä-ˈlä nonstandard wä- variants or voila. used to call attention, to express satisfaction or approval, or to suggest an appearance as if by magic. The flowers were simply elegant. Wouldn’t have done a thing differently. They were perfect. The ceremony was flawless, anointed, and forever etched in my mind’s eye. […]
February 20, 2023
Happy Monday, This is the third blog in a series of blogs we’ve been doing on enmeshment, detachment, and where we want to be: DIFFERENTIATED! In the last two blogs we covered in depth what it looks like to be differentiated in a marriage and with your kids. In this blog, I want to touch […]
November 21, 2022