In a world of more, more, more, what if less really is more? If you know me, you’ve heard me say more is more! LOL Maybe that’s why my kids say I’m extra! But let’s talk about when less is more. When it comes to confetti, more is more! And you can never have too […]
We were with friends a while back who were doing way better than they realized they were doing. We could see all the good in their lives from the outside looking in. They felt so defeated that they have since quit the ministry. In all actuality, they had such a great thing going. Then we came […]
Can you believe it? We are in the Fourth Quarter and The Holidays are just around the corner! Time is absolutely flying. Before another day goes by, I wanted to take a minute to talk about one of the most important Happy Habits from my book Happy ANYWAY and it’s all about owning your happiness! […]
Ask yourself who’s wrong, not what’s wrong. The right who could make the wrong what work and oh how glorious it can be when we have the right who and the right what. I heard Pastor Joel Sims say this last week at Ignite Life Conf. And then came home this weekend to live this […]
Overwhelmed? Years ago, a woman of God who I respected and learned a great deal from taught me that if I was overwhelmed, that’s a tale-tale sign I haven’t been spending time in the Word, with the Prince of peace. Bam! Ikr? Right between the eyes! Didn’t have to wonder what she was trying to […]
We’ve all said it, “I just couldn’t help myself!” Come on now, yea, we both could’ve, ummmmm, but we didn’t because of one lame excuse or the other. Am I right or am I right? It’s easier to blame or ignore or slough it off as not a big deal or bottom line: simply not […]
Ever been there? One minute you feel on top of the world and the next as if you’re buried under…you’re not sure what? That’s when verses from the Bible come to mind like “Don’t grow weary in well doing” and “His burden is light and His yoke is easy” and “As a man thinks in […]
What if you focused on these boundaries? Oh how life would change for the better! Imagine with me a healthy, fit body, enough money to pay bills and extra for fun and to invest into the gospel as God leads you as much as you actually desire. A godly marriage, wonderful friends, happy children smack-dab […]
Wanta BONUS of what God has continued speaking to me since conference and a quick RECAP incase you weren’t able to make it this year? RECAP: Ps. 23:5 – God prepares a table before us in the presence of our enemies. The problem is we think the problem is our enemy or the battle we […]
Think about it for a minute. What are some of your main habits? Hopefully some include brushing your teeth, showering, sleeping 6-8 hours, and from there where do they go? Hopefully not down-hill from there but for many of us, that’s the case. Let’s chat about habits a minute or 3… What about other habits […]