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Stress & ANXIETY

author, communicator, friend






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Wanta know something I just learned this weekend?  It’s too good to not share… So what if I told you I could write you a prescription for a wonder drug that has the potential of changing your life? And it won’t even cost you a dime. Not a doctor’s visit or even a telemedicine call. Just […]


March 7, 2023

Take Your MEDS!

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Reality is, most of us work full time or if we don’t, we find ourselves busy with God only knows what for the majority of our time! Can I get a hardy Amen?!  Where does this leave our relationships?  Often, it means the ones we love the most get our left overs. But why?  ~ […]


February 26, 2023

Relationship Realities

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The day was Voila!  voi· là vwä-ˈlä nonstandard wä- variants or voila. used to call attention, to express satisfaction or approval, or to suggest an appearance as if by magic. The flowers were simply elegant. Wouldn’t have done a thing differently. They were perfect.  The ceremony was flawless, anointed, and forever etched in my mind’s eye. […]


February 20, 2023

They Said “I Do!”

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Happy Monday,  This is the third blog in a series of blogs we’ve been doing on enmeshment, detachment, and where we want to be: DIFFERENTIATED! In the last two blogs we covered in depth what it looks like to be differentiated in a marriage and with your kids. In this blog, I want to touch […]


November 21, 2022

Don’t Give Up On Them Just Yet…Maybe You’re Just Enmeshed! Part 3 of 3 blog series

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Happy Monday,  Are you a little less enmeshed than you were last Monday as a result of the Happy Monday Blog last week? Oh I hope so! If not, go back and read it or listen to it on repeat because you will need to understand what I’m talking about on today’s blog. I’ve never […]


November 14, 2022

Don’t Give Up On Them Just Yet…Maybe You’re Just Enmeshed! Part 2 of 3 blog series

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Happy Monday! Can you be OK if someone you love is not OK? Do you find yourself feeling guilty being happy if people around you are struggling? If your husband is upset with you but you know you were not in the wrong or even if you were and it doesn’t legitimize his reaction, does […]


November 7, 2022

Don’t Give Up On Them Just Yet…Maybe You’re Just Enmeshed! Part 1 of 3 blog series

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So much that we do is from our subconscious!  So everyone says CHOOSE HAPPY!  I’ve even said it but guess what I’ve learned. That little word “choose” and “choice” is tricky.  Think about it! Have you ever had something about yourself you have really wanted to change and you’ve studied the Word on that subject […]


September 19, 2022

Your Past May Be Dictating Your Future From The Subconscious.

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Our values determine the types of problems we have. The kinds of problems we have dictate the quality of our lives. Good values equal a good life.  What are your values?  Are you living out those values in the company of others closest to you who share those same values?  Bad company corrupts good morals…is […]

Faith & Hope, Happiness, Relationships

July 25, 2022

What Are Your Values?

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Church is the same thing it always has been. It has taken on different forms and looks differently. But it’s still what the Bible says it is.  It’s the Bride of Christ so don’t mess with God’s Chic!  It’s the body of Christ so if you wouldn’t dishonor Christ, then you won’t dishonor His body. […]

Faith & Hope, Peace, Relationships

February 7, 2022

What is Church anymore?

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When broken boys bend their will and humble themselves to God: Broken boys become bold boys. Broken boys become builders of bright futures. Broken boys become beasts who are forces to be reckoned with. Broken boys become might men of valor and instead of feeling beaten down, they conquer hills that used to intimidate them. […]

Relationships, Stress/Anxiety, Uncategorized

January 31, 2022

Beautiful boys