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Stress & ANXIETY

author, communicator, friend






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The pressure’s on to get to all 4 or 40 of your church’s Easter services. Gotta get the right outfit, decorate the door, prep for the big Easter meal for the whole family. So much excitement, work, and endless to do’s until BAM! It’s done. It’s over. It. Is. Finished. Now what?! Did I just […]

Relationships, Uncategorized

April 5, 2021

Now what?

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The more I learn, the more I realize I need to learn. I learned a long time ago that the best way to make no mistakes is by doing nothing. But in the pursuit of all God has called you to, there will be mistakes along the way. This phrase has been a go-to for […]


June 29, 2020

What to do when we mess it all up?!

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Whether you are single coming up on this Valentines Day, happily married, or barely married, you have probably felt like your love has been lost at some point in life. But I have good news for you! If you are in a relationship with someone, your love is not lost. There is no place in […]


February 10, 2020

A Lost Love

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What if this new year actually could be happier than any other so far? What if you have what it takes to do what is in your heart? Good news!!!! HOLD UP before you think 🤔 Yadda Yadda….another Bubble Gum, Feel Good, Empty promise, Hyped up blog. I promise, this blog is not going to […]

Relationships, Uncategorized

December 31, 2019

Happy New year 🎊

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 …..happy? Or maybe… horrific/”whatever!”/thrilling/special/reflective describes the day more accurately from your seat. For some, yesterday was a day of deep gratitude as we thought of how blessed our children (and/or we) are to have the World’s Greatest Dad!   Others cried because they have lost their dad, with every “Happy Father’s Day” packing a punch.. […]

Love, Relationships

June 17, 2019

Happy Father’s Day

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“He made me so mad!”   “These kids are driving me crazy.”  “I just can’t take it anymore!”  We’ve all said these things, but think about it. These phrases and others like them take the power to be happy out of your hands and puts it in someone else’s. Girls, let’s decide today on THIS […]

Happiness, Relationships, Stress/Anxiety

May 27, 2019

Own It!

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This blog is dedicated to all moms everywhere, whether you have children, have pets who are like your children, or serve in some other nurturing role. This Mother’s Day, I want to invite you to remember to care for yourself as well. I remember my first Mother’s Day without my mom. I decided that instead […]


May 6, 2019

Happy Mother’s Day

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“Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her,” ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭5:25‬ ‭AMP‬‬ Remember being a little girl on the playground at school plucking petals from flowers in hopes of finding out if he loved you or not? I remember little crushes in the 3rd and 4th grade and wondering […]


February 25, 2019

He loves me, he loves me not.

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Ahh, the great love chapter of the Bible, 1 Corinthians 13. If you picked this chapter apart, verse by verse, and replaced the word, “love,” with ____ (your name), would it still hold true? “Love endures with patience and serenity,” Love endures.  Love doesn’t quit.  Love has patience with others who are not having patience […]

Love, Relationships

February 11, 2019

1 Corinthians 13, the ______ Version

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…no one ever said. Fear of rejection is the number one fear of humanity. The need to belong and be a part of a family is why gangs form, why sororities and fraternities are so important to many in college. It’s why supper clubs, country clubs, teams, and church small groups all foster this feeling […]


October 31, 2017

Yay! Rejection! Pick me!