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Stress & ANXIETY

author, communicator, friend






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… when you need a little favor and it helps so much … When someone brings you a little happy to let you know they were thinking of you … When your mom put the note in your lunchbox … When a friend text you out of the blue to encourage you … When a […]

Faith & Hope, Peace

July 10, 2022

It’s the LITTLE things…

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Does it feel like God Himself is resisting you? Maybe He is…ikr you weren’t expecting that were ya?!  God resists the proud because they resist His voice. How to know if you are in pride: 1- you’re self sufficient 2-you think you can get by without others 3-you want the glory of being “the man” […]

Peace, Stress/Anxiety

June 27, 2022

What causes God to resist you?

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When life gets tough, life has a way of turning exclamation marks into question marks. A question mark is just an exclamation mark that’s been punched in the gut and doubled over. Don’t question In the dark what has been spoken in the light. If you only live life on the basis of what God […]

Faith & Hope, Peace

May 16, 2022

Don ‘t Turn Exclamation Marks Into Question Marks

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Church is the same thing it always has been. It has taken on different forms and looks differently. But it’s still what the Bible says it is.  It’s the Bride of Christ so don’t mess with God’s Chic!  It’s the body of Christ so if you wouldn’t dishonor Christ, then you won’t dishonor His body. […]

Faith & Hope, Peace, Relationships

February 7, 2022

What is Church anymore?

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Happy Monday !!! Fifty friends Fifty flowers Fifty dollars Fifty days Fifty YEARS ! Fifty dollars may not seem like a whole lot and fifty flowers would be a good many but I’ve even planted fifty flowers before in one day. Fifty friends at a party would be some work but we’ve had fifty friends […]

Faith & Hope, Peace, Uncategorized

April 19, 2021

What’s your perspective?

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Joy to the world, the Lord has come! That phrase is one we may say or hear and not think much of during this season. But as I thought about it, I realized that phrase is so powerful, especially if you are walking through really tough stuff in this season. There will never be true […]

Happiness, Peace

December 14, 2020

Joy To The World!

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When I was a little girl, we had a pond behind our house. There was a picturesque meadow on the other side of that pond filled with beautiful flowering weeds each summer. There were those tiny purple flowering weeds, dandelions galore, and it seems like yellow, I recall, maybe a few daffodils here and there. […]

Faith & Hope, Happiness, Peace

October 14, 2019

This IS my happy place <3

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~Happy Talk~ Are you a happy talker? Check out these verses to sort of check up from the neck up. Jot down or copy and paste the ones you might need to focus on. What if these verses described the way we talk day in and day out? How much happier would we be? How […]

Happiness, Love, Peace

September 9, 2019

Talking Happy