Lord, help me really see… Yesterday, I got wrecked on the front row at the very end of the last service of the day by this prayer and I double-dog dare you to pray this same prayer… Lord, help me to really see what YOU want me to see, how YOU see things, and then […]
No one sets goals to be unhealthy, poor, depressed, or divorced. But far too many find themselves exactly there. What if I told you most of us have pretty similar goals? But, Adrienne, you’ve been telling us for weeks on this Happy Monday Blog the importance of setting goals so hmmmm??? I can hear you […]
There is one difference between my struggle & some who struggle…the outcome! The struggle many times is the same for us…I know ~ varying degrees of pain, betrayal, loss, and destruction of our lives. But one thing that is different about a winner and a loser is one stays down and let’s the battle destroy […]
Would you like a simple Goal Setting Guide that is backed by science to help you achieve the life you want? Want to THRIVE no matter what life throws at you? IS YOUR LIFE WORKING, REALLY? If so, I believe this blog can help you go from good to great or from great to fantabulous! […]
(Wash, Rinse, ‘ Repeat from last week’s Happy Monday Blog!) No, you’re not seeing double and there’s no glitch, it’s on purpose! I’ve NEVER done this before ~ repeated pretty much the exact same blog two weeks in a row but this one is….. ~ long so want to be sure you get time to […]
Wanta get the goals you set instead of just dream of being richer, healthier, and more fulfilled in your relationships and life in general? Hope you had a great Christmas & you’re ready to look ahead to the best year you’ve had in a while or maybe ever!!! Wanta find the disconnect between dreaming of […]
For some, it’s candy canes and gingerbread houses. …Others it’s the loss of a loved one. …Some it’s that new car they hope they are getting. My mom always wished she could do more for people. My husband wants to get our boys the moon as always. I’m the budgeter in the family. He’s the […]
“Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,” Hebrews 12:1 NKJV Have you ever noticed that when you take off a layer […]
Am I the only one that may have a little destination addiction? Did you know that’s a thing? It is and Wow! It’s such a trap. You should look it up. I talk about this in Happy ANYWAY in the sixth chapter under If/Then Happiness a bit. Beware of Destination Addiction – a preoccupation with […]
Hi Happy Sisterhood, I hope your Thanksgiving was amazing and you got a few days to rest and realize all we have to be thankful for. If you find yourself 1- …in just a little funk or 2- …if you find yourself in a pickle with a relationship or two or 3- …maybe you are […]